The Starting Point In Sensory Integration For Everyone!

About Our Intro Course SI101

 This course is for everyone interested in Sensory Integration theory and dysfunctions of sensory integration!


You will be happy with  SI101 if 

  • you are seeking an introduction to the theory of Sensory Integration, the types of SI disorders, and some guidelines how to support these children in daily life.
  • you are an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, or speech therapist, who is planing to continue their SI training, maybe with the goal to become an internationally recognized ASI®Practitioner. (Chose a certification program that is accredited by the International Council of ASI, ICE-ASI. More here: The intro course will prepare you well for the following courses! 
  • you are a (special) educator, teacher, or psychologist, who wants to get an insight into sensory integration problems. In case you aim at continuing your SI training, SI-SeminarInstitut offers a unique pathway for applying ASI principles within your professional field: SI ORIGINAL.

The comprehensive webinar SI101  offers individualized learning opportunities with many advantages such as free time management, no need for travel or taking away vacation days, and individualized practical exercises and experiences.


SI101 Introduction to SI as a Webinar Allows You

to Work at Your Own Pace

Wherever And Whenever You Choose!


The focus of SI101 is not as much on the lectures as it is on practical experiences of sensory functions and dysfunctions. You will find instruction for many hands-on sensory experiences and practical exercises that will easily be able to implement in your daily life. Just follow our detailed instructions - and please don't miss out on these experiences! They will change your views and understanding of children with sensory integration problems!


If you want to deepen your training in Sensory integration, SI101 is your entrance ticket to all programs that offer more detailed education in Sensory Integration, such as the CLASI Certification Program in ASI®, or our own comprehensive ASI® certification program ASI®Therapy ORIGINAL which is available in English through cooperating local course organizers. SI-SeminarInstitut also offers a course series - SI ORIGINAL - specifically for non-therapists such as educators, teachers, and psychologists who want to learn how to apply ASI® principles in their workplace.




  • Distinguish and define various terms related to SI
  • Know the history of the development of SI and Dr. Ayres and understand the close relationship between SI and occupational therapy
  • Have an insight into the neurophysiological and other scientific foundations of SI theory
  • Understand the role of sensory processing in child development and lifelong agency
  • Know and begin to recognize SI disorder patterns
  • Know the major principles of SI therapy and be able to distinguish true SI therapy (ASI®) from other sensory approaches



Ayres, Sensory Integration And The Child. 25th Anniversary Edition. wps, 2005


How To Continue After SI101

SI-SeminarInstitut offers two pathways for you to continue your SI education:

  • Our ASI certification program for para-medical therapists, ASI TherapyORIGINAL
  • Our course series SI ORIGINAL for teachers, educators, psychologists and other interested professionals without a therapeutic degree


Our comprehensive ASI® certification program ASI TherapyORIGINAL in cooperation with CLASI, California, leads to the internationally recognized certificate as ASI®Practitioner.


Eligible are only para-medical therapists (occupational therapists OT, physiotherapists PT, and speech therapists SP or SLP according to their respective world federal professional organization).


Our course series for professionals with a non-therapeutic degree such as educators, teachers, or psychologists that teaches you how to apply Ayres' SI principles in your work setting


Eligible are (special) educators,  teachers, psychologists, and other professionals working with children.

How to Find Our Courses Internationally

We do not offer courses in English language in Vienna. We do, however, cooperate with local hosts and are happy to offer our programs in your country in English, with or without translation as needed.


Currently we are offering programs in Slovenia and Slovakia, some courses in Switzerland and the Czech Republic.


If you'd like to organize one of our ASI® programs in your country, please contact Elisabeth Soechting at!