Read this paragraph carefully so you know how to prepare your video clip for Calibration.
The Video Clip
Your video clip should be 10 minutes long and from the middle part of a therapy session where you use ASI approach with a child who has identified sensory integration problems.
Save your video clip in .mp4 or .mov format.
Name your video file following this schema: Last name,first name,Calibration,Year. E.g., Soechting,Elisabeth,Calibration,2016.
Submission of The Video Clip
First you complete the Submission Form below and submit it. Then you send your video file as an attachment in an email to In case your email program does not send the video because it is too large, please use WeTransfer or MailDrop.
Thank you for your submission!
We will immediately forward it to an accredited rater. We will let you know as soon as we have your result. We wish you good luck and congratulate you already now to your successful completion of our SI certification program ASI TherapyORIGINAL !